As we mark the 1 Year Anniversary of the Feminist AI and Digital Policy Roundtable, we reflect on the journey we've embarked upon. It's been a year of passionate discussions, groundbreaking insights, and a collective commitment to forging a more equitable digital future. To celebrate this milestone, we reached out to organizations, individuals, and thought leaders from various corners of the globe, all of whom are tirelessly working at the intersection of feminist AI and digital policy. We wanted to hear their thoughts, ideas, and projects, be they within companies, in politics, or nurtured by civil society.
Our goal was clear: to bridge the gap between the broader vision of inclusive feminist digital policy as a thought-leading framework and the tangible, real-world ideas and initiatives that showcase the dynamic interaction between feminism and technology. This synergy serves not only as an enabler of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) but also as a catalyst for positive business impact.
Through a feminist perspective, we can avoid the trap of reductionism, recognizing that the consequences of AI extend far beyond the purely technical realm. This article aims to shed light on those who bear the heaviest burdens of tech solutionism, those who are often unheard and overlooked in current AI and digital policy processes.
Here we go: let us introduce individuals and their projects helping us to shape a inclusive feminist future narratives.
Feminist AI in Action
Josephina is working for Decentral, an educational organization specializing in e-learning programs and workshops. An idea was conceived approximately two years ago, resulting in the creation of AIceberg—an AI learning assistant being championed by the Civic Innovation platform.
Within this concept, offensive language, stigmatization, and biased communication in natural language are to be identified. Upon detection, the system offers recommendations for educational courses or e-learning sequences. These courses address crucial subjects like anti-discrimination and civilization, all with the overarching objective of deconstructing prevailing power structures.
The intention is to harness AI, potentially utilizing natural language processing, to propose these courses. The envisioned AI learning assistant takes the form of an AI chatbot. The plan entails integrating this chatbot seamlessly into existing communication systems within companies and organizations, such as platforms like Slack.
We are very glad to have a strong connection to this exciting and innovative project of building a feminist AI!
Feminist AI Chatbot soon!
Feminist AI from the Global South perspectives
Maha, who was born in Tunisia and works in Mauritania since two years, advocates for data sovereignty in Africa, particularly in Francophone Africa. She's the founder of the African Center of AI and Digital Technology.
For over two years, she has been a digital transformation consultant in Mauritania. Alongside, she is engaged in the UNDP business monitor, connecting with mentors in underdeveloped Arab countries like Yemen and Morocco, striving to bring technology to their region.
Challenges abound, especially for women in places like Mauritania, Niger, and Chad: Knowledge accessibility is a hurdle, with resources often skewed towards the global North. This disadvantage is felt by colleagues in Brazil, Latin America, and the Middle East.
In this context, data governance and AI concepts are emerging but not fully applicable. Political crises in Mali and Niger compound the issue. Maha’s focus lies on marginalized groups, working with FemAI on policies for integration.
Most policy processes exclude representation of the Global South, however the global scale impact of tech is shocking in terms of colonialization and climate change. This why a feminist digital perspective must include the Global South.
Feminist AI in NGOs
Vivienne, representing the Center for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP), a nonprofit organization founded in 2018 to promote feminist foreign policy globally, aim is to bridge the gap between the broader concept of inclusive feminist digital policy and practical ideas that highlight how technology can enable progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and impact business.
CFFP works on various program areas, including peace and security. One of our key focuses is the intersection of AI, gender, disinformation, and Deep Fakes, a topic not explicitly covered in the EU AI Act. CFFP is eager to collaborate with fellow stakeholders in this community to learn from each other and collectively shape a more equitable and just digital future.
Together, we can drive positive change in digital policy.
Nandita from SuperrrLab, oversee the so-called Risktakers Fellowship. SuperrrLab is a Berlin-based feminist organization aiming to create equal and inclusive futures, both in the digital world and beyond. The Risktaker Fellowship Program is an 8-month initiative that supports 10 projects and 12 individuals from Europe and the Mediterranean. They're pushing for diverse and fair futures in the digital space and facing challenges head-on.
These remarkable individuals are daring to dream despite odds, as they come from marginalized communities. While the 8-month fellowship isn't sustainable alone, SuperrrLab is building a community-centered structure for networking and mutual support with regular meetings online as well as meaningful in-person meetings in Berlin.
Among the projects, one involves decolonial counter-archiving through 3D animation, another increases cybersecurity visibility through comics, and another focuses on accessibility for queerness and diversity. There's also a project establishing a Romya feminist library. Feel free to explore all Risktaker Fellowship Projects.
Feminist AI and Web3
Wom3n need to design web3 from the beginning onwards!
The wom3n.DAO helps you navigate the exciting world of web3. It's a place where you can learn and connect with others interested in web3. You'll find live shows, interesting podcasts, and real-world events that make the digital world come to life.
This project keeps going thanks to NFT funding. This funding helps to create a global education program for web3. Diana is a big supporter of diversity and making sure everyone is included in the web3 world. In 2021, Diana started wom3n.DAO to help womXn and projects led by females* in the web3 space. This includes areas like blockchain, digital money, and newer ideas like NFTs.
Diana's journey led to creating the first organization of its kind in Germany. wom3n.DAO is all about helping to bridge the gender gap and diversity lack in web3. This initiative is an embodiment of web3's boundless possibilities, accompanied by the unyielding dedication of Diana in her pursuit of a more diverse and inclusive digital future. FemAI is extremely glad to be official partners of Wom3n.dao!
Feminist AI in Academia, Research and Education
Zeynep leads Data for Policy, a nonprofit she founded in 2014. It's an international community of data scientists, AI professionals, and tech experts exploring how emerging technologies intersect with governance and policy. Our yearly conference series started in 2015, and we just announced our upcoming event at Imperial College, London in July 2024, focused on Trustworthy Governance. The calls for this conference are open, and Zeynep is eager for diverse contributions, especially from a feminist perspective, aligning with her aim for more equitable governance. Trustworthy governance to for her means achieving at least 50% women representation.
Check out the Data for Policy 2024 and submit your feminist perspective!
Feminist AI in Corperates
Ronnit enables us to investigate Feminist AI from a business perspective. She is leading the Feminist AI working group, a thought leadership unit within the Siemens AI Lab. This initiative is defined and adapted to the corporate hierarchy. The main aim is to craft an AI program to spark tech interest in young girls and exploring AI for workplace in terms of gender equality.
While no single tool can fix gender disparity, this project involves assessing tools, gauging their impact conditions, and integrating best practices into teams. This aims to reshape culture through strategic tech integration. The Feminist AI working group at Siemens is testing tools, identifying their problem-solving scope, and their impact requirements. This framework structures Siemens' impact strategy.
Thank you very much for sharing this internal view with us.
We call on (technology) companies to take more responsibility and reflect on projects in the context of an inclusive feminist perspective.
Feminist AI and US politics
From the US perspective, our member who works on Transatlantic Digital Policy in Washington, DC provided hopeful updates. Encouragingly, positive developments in the realm of US digital policy from a European viewpoint are being brought forth. However, beyond President Biden’s AI Bill of Rights where bias is addressed, proposals by Congress do not include a feminist perspective on digital policy. In order to understand digital policy developments in the US, its recommended to shift away from Congress. While numerous AI-related bills are presently tabled, it is noted that many of these are more about gaining recognition than enacting serious change, with the exception of Schumer's bill.
Primarily, optimism is rooted in the efforts of the State Department and the Biden administration, particularly in relation to digital policy within the context of Foreign Relations. The State Department's emphasis on digital democracy, with the aim of extending digital connectivity and skill development to the Global South, an often overlooked priority.
Recently, an AI Code of Commitment was unveiled by the Biden administration, although lacking support from Congress and not legally binding companies have said they will treat these commitments as if they are. This unveiling occurred in collaboration with major tech companies who will be under a strong obligation to deliver these promises or else they could be sued in US courts. Despite the involvement of these 7 companies (Amazon, Anthropic, Google, Inflection, Meta, Microsoft, and OpenAI), effective engagement of global allies and partners in refining this commitment is being carried out by both the State Department and the White House. The inclusive nature of these discussions, which involve participants is notable without ignoring the fact that majority of participants are scientists, with female and other marginalised groups representation also being expandable.
Feminist AI goes beyond - the list goes on:
Standardisation - Andreas, helping us understanding the gaps of current EU AI Act Standardisation processes is of very high value!
Funding Calls - Thank you Irma for putting all your efforts into shaping a feminist vision
Politics - Yasemin, you are extremely brave to put Feminist Digital Policy on the EU election agenda!
Events - we are working on a calendar of events to showcase all the fantastic opportunities that are currently available! Please check out Newsletter for updates.
Call for Action - what's next?
Are you involved in a project related to Feminist AI and Feminist Digital Policy? Are you eager to actively participate in one of our ongoing projects or explore collaboration opportunities with our dedicated Fellows? Do you wish to contribute to shaping the future of AI through a feminist lens?
This article has offered a glimpse into the diverse projects within the realm of Feminist AI. We are excited to witness the ongoing evolution of inclusive technology across various spheres, including politics, academia, business, and civil society. The future holds the promise of further advancements and innovations guided by the principles of equality, justice, and inclusivity.